Tahura Bukit Barisan Tahura is in the third set by a decree from the President of RI President No. 48 Year 1988 dated 19 November 1988. Tahura this development as a means of conservation of natural resources utilization and environmental improvement through the role and function of forests.
Bukit Barisan Tahura management unit is berintikan the area of protected forest and conservation area with all knowledgeable 51,600 Ha. Most of the protected forest is a natural mountain forest that is defined Dutch era, including Forest Protected Sibayak I Simancik and I, Forest Protected Sibayak II and II Simancik and Forest Protected Sinabung.
Other parts of the region Tahura this tersiri consisting of CA / TW. Sibolangit, SM. South Langkat TW. Lau Debuk-debuk and Earth Perkemahan Pramuka Sibolangit.

Types of plants that come from outside are: Pinus caribeae, khasia pine, Pinus insularis, Eucalyptus sp, Agathis sp, and others.
Some of the fauna that live in this area are: monkey, tiger, gibbon, wild pig, snake, eagle, small deer, treggiling, and others.
Some of the Regions Tahura, especially around Tongkoh Brastagi and has developed into one of the important tourist destinations in North Sumatra.
The main factors supporting tourism as the air is cool, natural vegetation is good and the beautiful natural scenery, water source, Lake Toba and culture as well as the bait.
Besides, the infrastructure facilities are also sufficient, such as road conditions are good with the mulus, and which connects most of the area Tahura, accommodation and lodging facilities, camp locations and paths on the area.
Those interested in the world of research (research), Bukit Barisan Tahura can also be used as a warehouse of knowledge. Research is not limited to the areas of flora and fauna but also covers areas of hydrological and socio-cultural.
Lodging and accommodation facilities are spread around, from the Sibolangit up with a good lodging Brantagi simple and peg-star international hotel. As the main Tahura heart is in the Bukit Barisan Tongkoh.
In this Tongkoh lodging facilities have been provided, the primary room, library, restaurants, cultural stage, also aktrasi upside elephants, and animal quarantine facilities. In addition to tours, location Tongkoh also suitable for research activities, sports such as Cross Nature Tourism etc..
The people who live around the Bukit Barisan Tahura of ethnic Malay, Karo, Batak and Aceh. Main livelihood of farmers and laborers are. Production of vegetables is the main cabbage, bean, carrot, mustard greens, fruits such as oranges Tanah Karo is very popular so many fruit Markisa dikebunkan here and enjoy it in the form of syrup Markisa.
Local Government is very well in the development of this culture, for example, in a cultural exhibition in the Fruit Festival held each year and so on. Cultural preservation efforts, is also made to cultural heritage such as the custom house in Lingga.
Bukit Barisan Tahura management unit is berintikan the area of protected forest and conservation area with all knowledgeable 51,600 Ha. Most of the protected forest is a natural mountain forest that is defined Dutch era, including Forest Protected Sibayak I Simancik and I, Forest Protected Sibayak II and II Simancik and Forest Protected Sinabung.
Other parts of the region Tahura this tersiri consisting of CA / TW. Sibolangit, SM. South Langkat TW. Lau Debuk-debuk and Earth Perkemahan Pramuka Sibolangit.

Forest area is dominated by the kind of good mountain tree species, both local and coming from the outside. Some types are: Pinus Merkusii, Altingia exelsa, Schima wallichii, Podocarpus sp, toona surei and other types such as Durian, Dadap, Rambutan, Pulai, Aren, Rattan, and others.Types of plants that come from outside are: Pinus caribeae, khasia pine, Pinus insularis, Eucalyptus sp, Agathis sp, and others.
Some of the fauna that live in this area are: monkey, tiger, gibbon, wild pig, snake, eagle, small deer, treggiling, and others.
Some of the Regions Tahura, especially around Tongkoh Brastagi and has developed into one of the important tourist destinations in North Sumatra.
The main factors supporting tourism as the air is cool, natural vegetation is good and the beautiful natural scenery, water source, Lake Toba and culture as well as the bait.
Besides, the infrastructure facilities are also sufficient, such as road conditions are good with the mulus, and which connects most of the area Tahura, accommodation and lodging facilities, camp locations and paths on the area.
Those interested in the world of research (research), Bukit Barisan Tahura can also be used as a warehouse of knowledge. Research is not limited to the areas of flora and fauna but also covers areas of hydrological and socio-cultural.
Lodging and accommodation facilities are spread around, from the Sibolangit up with a good lodging Brantagi simple and peg-star international hotel. As the main Tahura heart is in the Bukit Barisan Tongkoh.
In this Tongkoh lodging facilities have been provided, the primary room, library, restaurants, cultural stage, also aktrasi upside elephants, and animal quarantine facilities. In addition to tours, location Tongkoh also suitable for research activities, sports such as Cross Nature Tourism etc..
The people who live around the Bukit Barisan Tahura of ethnic Malay, Karo, Batak and Aceh. Main livelihood of farmers and laborers are. Production of vegetables is the main cabbage, bean, carrot, mustard greens, fruits such as oranges Tanah Karo is very popular so many fruit Markisa dikebunkan here and enjoy it in the form of syrup Markisa.
Local Government is very well in the development of this culture, for example, in a cultural exhibition in the Fruit Festival held each year and so on. Cultural preservation efforts, is also made to cultural heritage such as the custom house in Lingga.
Regions Tahura Bukit Barisan mountain has two, namely Sibayak Mountain (2,211 m) and Mt Sinabung (2,451 m), the mountain is often a challenge for the climber to menaklukkannya. It is recommended if you want to climb this mountain, ask permission first to the authorities, for the preparation of all things and the very existence of the required safety.
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