Some types of plants found in the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru such jamuju (Dacrycarpus imbricatus), mountain pine (Casuarina sp.) Eidelweis (Anaphalis javanica), different types of orchids and rare type of grass (Styphelia pungieus).
There are about 137 types of birds, 22 species and 4 mammal species in national parks reptilia this
Rare and protected animals listed in the national parks are mongoose (Pardofelis marmorata), deer (Cervus timorensis), long tail monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), deer (Muntiacus muntjak), forest red chicken (Gallus gallus), spotted tiger (Panthera pardus), ajag (Cuon alpinus), and various types of birds such as birds alap-alap (Accipiter virgatus), rangkong (Buceros rhinoceros silvestris), bido serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela bido), black srigunting (Dicrurus macrocercus), elang bondol (Haliastur indus), and grouse that live in Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, and Ranu Kumbolo.
National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru is the only conservation area in Indonesia, which has a unique form of the sea area of 5,250 hectares of sand, which is located at an altitude of ± 2100 meters above sea level.
Found in the sea sand seven central eruption in two lines that criss-cross from the east-west and northeast-southwest. From the northeast-southwest this is the show which includes Mount Bromo volcano is active at any time can remove the smoke and explosion threaten human life in the surrounding (± 3500 inhabitants).
Mount Bromo crater has a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area a circle with fingers 4 km from the center of Bromo crater.
Tengger tribe that is located in the vicinity of national parks is a native tribe who are Hindu. According to legend, the tribe of origin is from the kingdom of Majapahit into seclusion. Uniquely, the view around (Su-ku Tengger) does not appear to have a sense of fear although menge Mount Bromo-know-ya that berbaha, including many tourists who visit the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru at the ceremony Kasodo.

Kasodo ceremony is held each year (December / January) at the full moon. Through the ceremony, the Tengger tribe seeking to harvest the abundant or reject the request troops and healing of various diseases, including how to present the offering to throw the crater of Mount Bromo, Tengger while other people have to climb down cliffs and craters reach to catch the offerings thrown into crater, as the omen of the blessings of the earth.

Struggling attraction is offering a very interesting and challenging at the same time chilling. For the not uncommon among them, fell into the crater.
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