Age of Malang Regency is older than the age of the Republic of beloved. However, until Anniversary Of Malang to 1248, most potential eksotisme and South Malang still with neat. Realize the 'New City' in the South Malang indeed take time. Slowly, and effective, Pemkab Malang chase started south of the Pearl.
Geographically, Malang regency long beach has a ± 57 km and has the potential of mangrove forest ± 8736 ha and pond area ± 8000 ha. Which extends in the coastal waters south of the store of a million eksotisme an irrefutable. Elegancy Balekambang coastal tourism and Ngliyep only real evidence of a small paradise in the south of Malang.

Beyond these two tourism object, along the southern coastal beach saving catenarian slick-looking nan who has not managed. Access road is still a major obstacle for the 'outsiders' to enjoy the loveliness of Malang Selatan. However, Pemkab Malang not only silent, slow start up nature of the potential to become a two-island of Bali.
Gateway to the 'New City' has been opened through the development of Southern Cross Line (JLS), which line the beach south slope. Channel into a major tourism development eksotisme natural wealth and potential of South Malang.
Based on data from the Department Binamarga Pemkab Malang, JLS phase I project along the 123 kilometer range start Mentaraman Village District Donomulyo to Hamlet Sendang Blue District Sumbermanjing Wetan.
Since 2002, Pemkab Malang has free land along the 63 kilometers, 22 kilometers of the property and community property Perhutani 41 kilometers. The process of redemption of land until the year 2007 the budget was up to Rp 11,878,084,300.
''At this time, the remaining land that is not exempt as long as 61 kilometers, is owned by both public and Perhutani. Sedanghkan than 63 kilometers of land that has been JLS free, just as long as 13 kilometers has not been opened or is done,''said the Head of Department Binamarga, Ir Mochammad Awar to Malang Post.
That is, at this time South Malang society can enjoy the JLS just about 1 mile from the beach from the mouth Donomulyo to the green bay Sendangbiru. Few illustrations, eksotisme extraordinary nature of these increasingly obvious Bajulmati after bridge built by the Government of East Java Province.

Semicircular bridge that connects tourism Bajulmati Beach and Bay Cave China that have water greenish.
Shifted to the end of the east about 3 miles, easy enough with the area of the fishermen Sendangbiru was affordable. The area was still the main center property beside the sea south of the potential nature reserve island Sempu.
Available RTRW (Spatial Planning and Regional Governance) Malang Regency, Sendangbiru that will be developed as an Urban Harbor.
Results while, at this time has awakened Place Fish Auction (TPI) in the southern part of East Java. Production of fish TPI Pondok Dadap Sendangbiru in 2006 reached 6,548 tons, 5,999 tons in 2007 and 2532 tons per year in August 2008.
To realize the project, share Pemkab Malang 33 districts in six SSWP (Sub-Unit Area Development). Among other Lingkar SSWP City (District 9), SSWP Kepanjen (District 9), SSWP Dampit (District 5), SSWP Overlapping (District 4), SSWP Ngantang (District Three). SSWP Sendangbiru and as the central sub-region in the three District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Gedangan and Bantur.
Meanwhile, the investment began filtering geliat, recently from investors, namely PT Bali Bali Fresh Tuna (BTS), ready to plant in the capital Sendangbiru to Rp 1.7 billion.
PT BTS will build cold storage for fish to see the potential that the area was dominated by Tuna Fish. Investment was also followed by Massa PT Reka field surveys that have been twice.
Investors from the island of gods is planning to make off road tours along about 20 km, from the beach Sendangbiru to the beach area in Ampelgading.
On the other Pemkab Malang to introduce tourism potential and natural, had Kanjuruhan Sabhawana Adventure Trail (KASATA). Motorkross annual expedition is always held on the Anniversary of Malang Regency with the challenging terrain that flit. KASATA followed by hundreds of off roader from within and outside the country with the concept adveture, tourism and culture
Geographically, Malang regency long beach has a ± 57 km and has the potential of mangrove forest ± 8736 ha and pond area ± 8000 ha. Which extends in the coastal waters south of the store of a million eksotisme an irrefutable. Elegancy Balekambang coastal tourism and Ngliyep only real evidence of a small paradise in the south of Malang.

Beyond these two tourism object, along the southern coastal beach saving catenarian slick-looking nan who has not managed. Access road is still a major obstacle for the 'outsiders' to enjoy the loveliness of Malang Selatan. However, Pemkab Malang not only silent, slow start up nature of the potential to become a two-island of Bali.
Gateway to the 'New City' has been opened through the development of Southern Cross Line (JLS), which line the beach south slope. Channel into a major tourism development eksotisme natural wealth and potential of South Malang.
Based on data from the Department Binamarga Pemkab Malang, JLS phase I project along the 123 kilometer range start Mentaraman Village District Donomulyo to Hamlet Sendang Blue District Sumbermanjing Wetan.
Since 2002, Pemkab Malang has free land along the 63 kilometers, 22 kilometers of the property and community property Perhutani 41 kilometers. The process of redemption of land until the year 2007 the budget was up to Rp 11,878,084,300.
''At this time, the remaining land that is not exempt as long as 61 kilometers, is owned by both public and Perhutani. Sedanghkan than 63 kilometers of land that has been JLS free, just as long as 13 kilometers has not been opened or is done,''said the Head of Department Binamarga, Ir Mochammad Awar to Malang Post.
That is, at this time South Malang society can enjoy the JLS just about 1 mile from the beach from the mouth Donomulyo to the green bay Sendangbiru. Few illustrations, eksotisme extraordinary nature of these increasingly obvious Bajulmati after bridge built by the Government of East Java Province.

Semicircular bridge that connects tourism Bajulmati Beach and Bay Cave China that have water greenish.
Shifted to the end of the east about 3 miles, easy enough with the area of the fishermen Sendangbiru was affordable. The area was still the main center property beside the sea south of the potential nature reserve island Sempu.
Available RTRW (Spatial Planning and Regional Governance) Malang Regency, Sendangbiru that will be developed as an Urban Harbor.
Results while, at this time has awakened Place Fish Auction (TPI) in the southern part of East Java. Production of fish TPI Pondok Dadap Sendangbiru in 2006 reached 6,548 tons, 5,999 tons in 2007 and 2532 tons per year in August 2008.
To realize the project, share Pemkab Malang 33 districts in six SSWP (Sub-Unit Area Development). Among other Lingkar SSWP City (District 9), SSWP Kepanjen (District 9), SSWP Dampit (District 5), SSWP Overlapping (District 4), SSWP Ngantang (District Three). SSWP Sendangbiru and as the central sub-region in the three District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Gedangan and Bantur.
Meanwhile, the investment began filtering geliat, recently from investors, namely PT Bali Bali Fresh Tuna (BTS), ready to plant in the capital Sendangbiru to Rp 1.7 billion.
PT BTS will build cold storage for fish to see the potential that the area was dominated by Tuna Fish. Investment was also followed by Massa PT Reka field surveys that have been twice.
Investors from the island of gods is planning to make off road tours along about 20 km, from the beach Sendangbiru to the beach area in Ampelgading.
On the other Pemkab Malang to introduce tourism potential and natural, had Kanjuruhan Sabhawana Adventure Trail (KASATA). Motorkross annual expedition is always held on the Anniversary of Malang Regency with the challenging terrain that flit. KASATA followed by hundreds of off roader from within and outside the country with the concept adveture, tourism and culture
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