Cave Selarong is Area tourism object has a beautiful natural scenery and is suitable for use as Earth Perkemahan (Camping Ground). In the past, this cave is used as a guerrilla headquarters Pangeran Diponegoro in perjuangannya against Dutch colonialism in the year 18251830.
Prince Diponegoro to move to Cave Selarong after her home in Tegalrejo attacked and burned out by the Dutch.
Selarong cave is located about 14 km north of Yogyakarta precisely the direction in the district Pajangan and is in the top of the hill that much ditumbuhi guava tree, which is characteristic of the object.
Selarong in the vicinity of the cave there are centers that produce wooden handicraft statues, masks, and others. Government of Bantul Regency is developing the area as the object Cave Selarong with agro klengkengnya plants.
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