Alas Purwo Plengkung and may be equated with the "case" Bali and Indonesia first. More foreign tourists to Bali of Indonesia. But Bali is part of Indonesia. So also is the case with Plengkung and Purwo Alas. Plengkung that are part of the National Park Alas Purwo far better known than Purwo Alas.

Alas Purwo TN map
Among the world peselancar, Plengkung also known by the name G-Land (Land G), refers to Tanjung Grajagan in Banyuwangi Regency. Grajagan known as the last place that can be achieved with the car to go Plengkung. From Grajagan, Plengkung can be achieved with the speed of the boat with about 30 minutes.
Now many routes Plengkung. The most simple, from the City of Banyuwangi Kalipait. Far as 59 km route is very convenient because of the way hot mix. From Kalipait, resumed the journey Pasaranyar villages along the road through three kilo meters. From Pasaranyar, proceed through the road trip makadam (berbatu road without asphalt) Trianggulasi go as far 12 km.
Trianggulasi from the Plengkung far as 11 km. Although there have been asphalted road, visitors are not allowed to use motor vehicles. Perforce, this route should be on foot for about 5 minutes. Could also be using the bike.
In the beginning no one knew that the beach is in the Peninsula Blambangan this potential to be one area that is in percaturan tourism. However, around 1970's, two peselancar from California, USA, Gerry Lopez and Mike Boyum, to try to feel tertantang violence wave in this region.

surfing in plengkung
Once terkesannya with waves in the beach Plengkung, they spread the news to several friends in California. Thanks to the information of both, since 1974 peselancar California who came to try a lot of waves Plengkung.
Finally, a quiet beach Plengkung, grew to be discussed many areas of the world peselancar. This region is ahead after the three private companies to establish lodging (more appropriately called the camp), namely PT Wana Wisata Alam Life is better known as Bobby's Camp, Plengkung PT Indah Tour and Travel PT Kenari. Proximity to the beach camp Plengkung only 100 meters to 150 meters.
Although the private sector managers and the food menu food classmates in five-star hotel, do not imagine camp semewah this hotel four or five stars, such as in Bali and Jakarta. Third camp managers want to keep Plengkung natural atmosphere.
"There is no electricity here, we use diesel. It's television, but please do not be watching RCTI, CNN or other television broadcast station. TV is only used to set the video, especially video on surfing. But a matter of food and drink, we do not lose with luxury hotels in Bali, "said Puma, Bali male supervisors who are in Bobby's Camp.
To spend the night there, the package cheapest Rp 385,000 per night, these Rp 550,000 per night. Cost is included for a T-shirt, boat speed freight, food and beverages. The difference, for these are equipped with a fan.
According to Puma, guests Bobby's Camp-is almost entirely peselancar professional, throughout the day, just surfing activities. From the camp in the stage and made of wood, the guests can lavish look to the beach and deburan waves coming from the Indian Ocean. If the good waves, they soon came down to surf. If the waves ugly, return to camp. So on. Best time to surf in Plengkung between May - October.
Tim Evans U.S. origin, is one of the peselancar stay at Bobby's Camp, have seven days to spend time in Plengkung. He is planning seven more days to stay there. After that, the Balinese, it was back to their home country. For him, as Bali is a place only in transit. He has more than 10 times the Plengkung.
Tim Evans claim to be living in such Plengkung because ombaknya good. One of the best in the world, than in Oahu (Hawaii), Fiji, and Tahiti. They are in the Pacific Ocean.
"If in Oahu, ombaknya large but short. G-Land has large waves, hard and long. Length pound could reach two meters high and can reach six meters. It's hard, not infrequently, a surfboard that we use can be broken. Challenges it sought peselancar sincere, "said Tim Evans.
Waves with a typical, no wonder if the series of the world surfing championship, Quiksilver Pro was held in Plengkung three times in succession, from 1995 until 1997. Unfortunately, the economic crisis, which was then followed by various disturbances, Quiksilver Pro for a while no longer held in Plengkung.
"I'm sure, if everything is safe, there is no commotion, the Quiksilver Pro will be held here again," said Tim Evans.
Although the claim to be living in Plengkung, lately Evans complained about the interference-interference due dibangunnya way to Plengkung. He is concerned, the road makes Plengkung easy to reach by other tourists.
"It is ten times more to me here, this safe-safe only. If everyone could easily here, I fear this place will not be safe. If you want to enjoy Plengkung, must take pains, if it does not want to walk, yes, should increase boat speed. The Beach Plengkung not suitable for swimming because there are some areas where the relaxing, "said Tim Evans.
Indeed, two years of development this way is very snappy Plengkung implemented. According to some information, along with the implementation of regional autonomy, the Government of Kabupaten (Pemkab) Banyuwangi industriously perform breakthrough-a breakthrough to improve PAD (original income areas). One of them is to develop the tourism potential that exists.
Plengkung that may be spelled virgin still be one of the target to increase Pemkab Banyuwangi PAD. To memuluskan target, the dibangunlah asphalt road to the beach Plengkung.

Although the exploitation Plengkung cause pro and contra, Plengkung still interesting to visit anyone, not just for professional peselancar. Along the way to the beach, the tropical rain forest that is still low and the object virgin tour of the area included in the National Park Purwo Alas, it is pity to miss.
In the travel Plengkung, can enjoy various kinds of tourism objects, such as scientific objects travel, land travel, air travel, tourism and culture. The, tourism object that is in the Alas Purwo is the most compared to other national parks.
Nearest beach is a beach Plengkung Pancur, about eight kilo meters north Plengkung. Here there is a camping ground (earth camp). In addition to camping and enjoying the beauty of the beach with the formation of black coral and sand shot, this beach is also a lot of people who visited bersemedi. Beach Pancur called because there is a river that flows throughout the year to the beach so that formed a steep shower.
Three kilometers northwest of Pancur, there Trianggulasi Beach. Trianggulasi name taken from the name of a monument, the Tugu Trianggulasi point is tied to the mapping which is located near the beach. This white sandy beach with the coastal forest dominated by tree bogem and nyamplung. On this beach, the sun sinking (sunset) is very beautiful.
Although the big surge, beach Trianggulasi can not be used for surfing, bathing, or swimming. For travelers who need a rest before continuing to travel Plengkung, this beach front home and provide for Pesanggrahan overnight.
Only about one and a half kilometers northeast of Trianggulasi, there are locations penggembelaan the different types of animals, namely Sadengan. From the perspective can be seen bison (Bos javanicus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak), wild pig (Sus scrofa), peacock (Pavo muticus), partridge (Gallus Sp), and several types of birds.
Not far from Sadengan, approximately one kilo meters to the north, there are Luhur Puri Giri Salaka, namely the Hindu persembahyangan number of people around the National Park Alas Purwo (District Tegaldlimo) quite a lot. Perhaps, this is a Hindu who embraces the descendants of the Majapahit fled to Blambangan Peninsula at the entrance of Islam.
This temple is very crowded visited the Hindu religion, especially in the Pagerwesi ceremony, ceremony penyelematan knowledge which the gods descended from the threat of giant pemangsa that lasted 210 days once. In addition to the people around the Hindu Purwo Alas, the ceremony also were Pagerwesi by Hindu people of Bali, Lumajang, and others in the district of Banyuwangi Regency.
In the ceremony, there is a procession of three, namely palemahan, pawongan, and heaven. Palemahan is offering to dispose of land to be eaten Betarakala. Pawongan a ceremony to receive the knowledge. While heaven is a sign of ritual thanks to the god who gave the knowledge.
About five kilo meters west Trianggulasi, there Ngagelan Beach, the beach landing where the turtle lay eggs and hatch. Compared Sukamade (National Park are Betiri) and Ujung Genteng (Sukabumi), Ngagelan no less stunning. Even in the case of many turtle species that lay eggs, Ngagelan more than Sukamade and Ujung Genteng.
"If the Sukamade, which lay only a green turtle. Ngagelan But in the four turtle species that lay eggs and hatch here. Ngagelan more complete. In addition, it is not uncommon that once lay in Ngagelan, will come again. It can be seen from taging I do it in the back, "said the diviner turtle, Suhadi Ponihadi.
Four turtle species that lay eggs and hatch in Ngagelan is gray turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), star fruit turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and shell turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).
Blambangan still in the Peninsula, there is a small bay with a mangrove forest that is still virgin, that is Segoro Children. This place is suitable for water sports like water skiing, rowing, and swimming.
Children Segoro 18.8 kilometers long with an average width of 400 meters. In this place found many different types of birds such as parakeet, heron, blekok, jalak uren, and heron. At the time, the visitor can enjoy the rows of thousands of water birds along the coast line up Segoro Children. Birds are the migrant birds from Australia. To achieve Segoro Children, very easy. Can be achieved with four-wheel vehicle, about 11 kilo meters west to the defense post Rowobendo.
In addition to objects on the tour, there are still some objects belonging to a national park tour Alas Purwo which is located on Peninsula Blambangan, including Parang IRENG Beach, Pantai Batu Lawang, Tanjung Sembulungan (there is a lighthouse) and Wood Aking facing Selat Bali. Besides, there are about 40 cave, one of which is the famous Palace of Goa, the cave is very popular for meditation.